Tag Archives: fitness

Betty Ford Centre & My Aspirin

Thought I’d check in since it’s been a while since I wrote anything on here. Things have been incredibly busy with school. Basically, a course that’s designed for three months has been condensed to a month and a half. They’re normally 3 hours per week, but now up to 6 per. Now multiply one of those courses by three and that’s what you get. I’m actually glad I’m out of a job because I’m able to sit in my cold basement, away from this awful heat, and do something productive with my life instead of having it benefit someone else’s life. Feels pretty good. I honestly have no idea what to write right now because I’m so tired. Well, that’s a lie, I do but not sure how or which one to start off with.

The Lost Time

Okay, I guess I’ll start with what I’ve been doing and what I’ve been meaning to write about. After my little freak out Wednesday, I hit the gym the next day, and had a small attack during my workout. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a panic attack, but it was definitely something that made me feel anxious and angry, so I would give it a nice (6). Instead, I changed my shuffle to my cardio playlist which consists of mostly aggressive songs, and used it to push 250lbs…per leg..and calf, and bench somewhere between 165-170lbs (I’m not sure how exactly much the bar itself weighs). I’ve always had this theory that music can help you push yourself past the pain through adrenaline, and I want to do that for my thesis. It was also relatively hot in the non-air-conditioned gym but I forced myself to do the entire full-body workout regardless, under that much physical pain. That pain is nothing compared to the mental pain, so it was nice to push all that aggression out. The rest of the time, I was in class and going through my lectures and notes in the comfort of my cold basement.

The Physical Therapy

Oh, and I was able to get out to the driving range for a while and it felt good to drive the ball again. I’ve also been starting to use a bench designed for abs and doing side crunches also helps my power. Before, I was able to drive the ball with my 9-iron about 120 yards without rolling, but it was closer to 150 yards on the range the other day. My dad also wants me to go back and represent him for a golf tournament in September, but the timing’s a little bad so I may have to get back to him on that. Wouldn’t be too bad to show up his business buddies with my golfing skills. 😉 Or lack thereof…

The Odds

I finally figured out who a cutie in class reminded me of. Last winter, I was taking a power yoga class (for the golf) and there would be a cute blonde waiting for the beginner’s yoga class afterwards. I finally realized she was also in my Earth Science class. Now, here’s where my (biased, obscured, fucked up?) odds come in. I’m guessing there’s a 90% chances that she’s got a boyfriend, and a 95% chance that she won’t be remotely attracted to me.

As of now though, I’m feeling a (3.5); I’m not completely over the anxiety, but I’m feeling decently groovy, aside from the heat earlier today. But that’s about it. I guess I’m all caught up.

Here’s one of the songs that got me jacked up enough to do my workout.

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