Insert Title Here

First, I’d like to introduce people to why Toronto, Ontario, Canada is such a crappy place to be. No, it’s not because that the most ridiculous man ever was elected mayor by a “landslide,” or all the other stuff he’s done, but because of this.

Yep, there are people in Toronto willing to steal a guy’s $15,000 custom-built wheelchair for whatever purpose. Makes me angry.

The Business

It may come to a surprise that I have nothing to report. Since I sprained my ankle, I’ve been feeling a (1) for the first time since I started writing this blog, which is also why I haven’t been posting much..because there was nothing to post about. Yeah, there have been times when I was at a comfortable (2) as well, but that was the closest it’s gotten. My guess is that I found something new to worry about, something to keep my mind off of my issues. There’s also the thought of adapting to a new thing, like the stupid crutches I’m using. I think this is how shopaholics, kleptomaniacs, and hoarders starts out, by getting something new to fill a hole in their lives (with kleptos, it’s more like the thrill of being or not being caught, but I’m sure the items they steal also have some kind of meaning to them). I also just had the rubber things on the bottom of my laptop replaced since a couple of them came off back in winter, and my new van Gogh poster decorations in my drab room also breathed in some life, and lowered my anxiety levels dramatically. All of these things has taken me away from the routine and mundane, instead of having me dwell on what’s wrong with me.

So moral of the story is, if you’re feeling down, do something to treat yourself but WITHIN REASON. Don’t go out there and break a bone or anything like that…geez. Do something new. I have both of those Brain Age games for the Nintendo DS and one of them said that doing something new every day keeps the brain happy, or something to that effect. From a neurological perspective, doing something new creates new synapsis in the brain, and, as I said, helps you escape from the routine and mundane. A couple of examples given were trying a new dish or even making it, or a different route to work or school. I guess that’s why vacations are so relaxing because you’re (supposed to be, anyways) exploring new places of excitement.

I have a friend who got me several more van Gogh posters as well as another 3D portrait of Paris that I can’t wait to put up in my room. Something to look forward to. Here’s a random song.

Follow me on Twitter @288theabe

2 thoughts on “Insert Title Here”

    1. lol Actually, I never cared much about this song. I’m more of a fan of their harder stuff like, “World Wide Suicide.” I literally hit shuffle on my iTunes and it comes up with a song in my library.

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